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الرئيسية \ دليل الشركات \ شركة فن المستقبل

شركة فن المستقبل

شركة فن المستقبل

اسم المسؤول:

الفروع: بغداد.

- تجارة / عامة
- استيراد، تصدير، وكالات / وكالات

اتصل الآن

المنتجات والخدمات




Future Art offers a non-stop solutions to the developed engineering and artistic systems  for the professional Audio,  Video applications and all theequipment within the broadcast field "includes the lighting ones". 


FABT Co. has gained a very high experience within the field of designing and installing_of  the professional broadcast equipment  pdrfectly i.e. the Radio &TV stations, Graphics and editing equipment, Audio equipment projects and

the CC TV .


The main objective of FABT is to  e the leading company in the broadcast indusjryin Iraq by following the top level marketing strategies. Obtaining thecustomers Satisfaction with products,  and granting services  are one of the important goals that the company  should achieve ii   n     i  s     w  o  r  k  .  



It's worth mentioning that Future Art Broadcast Trading- Iraq- covers the greatestpart of sales in the Iraqi Broadcast market by dealing with most of the Iraqigovernmental and civil institutions land & satellite channels and artisticproduction services.


As  mentioned earlier, one of important priorities of Future Art is that it always endeavors  to obtain the customers  satisfactions by supplying  them with thetop qualities products by dealing with a group of pioneer companies all overthe world in the bioadcast field, also FABT Co. focuses on the project serviceswhich undertakes them starting from designing,  projects mani'ging and allthe required services after accomplishing them.


Future Art play a significant  role in distributing the advanced professionalmedia products to meet the end-user's requirements.


معلومات الاتصال

Sa'adoon Street, near Sindbad Cinema, Bldg.12, St. 9,
Dist. 102, Baghdad, Iraq

General Contact
Phone: +964 1 8163704
+964 1 8188959
Telefax: +964 1 8173200

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