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الرئيسية \ دليل الشركات \ تكنولوجيا الإتصالات \ كامرات مراقبه \ شركة سكاي أوربت

شركة سكاي أوربت

شركة سكاي أوربت

اسم المسؤول:

الفروع: بغداد.

- الانترنت / مزود خدمة
- تكنولوجيا الإتصالات / خدمات الاتصالات

اتصل الآن

المنتجات والخدمات




In August 2015, Madar Al-Samaa for Information & Technology Ltd (Sky Orbit) part of Taha & Partners Group signed a national service partner agreement with Yala B.V. (Netherlands) to provide YahClick products and services in Iraq. YahClick has appointed leading locally based service partners in each country of coverage who understand the unique local requirements, bringing fast and efficient communications to many regions where the demand for reliable internet is growing.


YahClick is a high performance satellite broadband service for Home and Business users in the Middle East, Africa, Central and South West Asia. With YahClick, subscribers can enjoy uninterrupted high-speed Internet anywhere in the coverage area.

These internet broadcasting devices will deliver a truly cost-effective broadband service, through a modem and easily installed small satellite dish, and supported with in-country technical, operational and customer care. A subscriber can enjoy access to high speed broadband internet service anywhere in the coverage area, regardless of how many people live in the area, or whether the location is on top of a mountain, on the beach, or in the middle of a forest. The same high quality broadband service is available to subscribers in each country of coverage independently of the quality of traditional internet service in that country or the subscriber's physical location. Thus, subscribers will truly enjoy high speed broadband no matter where they are within the coverage area at an affordable cost. Data communication via satellite is not much different to a land based data service, at least from the end-users’ standpoint. The key thing to remember is that once the satellite system is configured by the installer, the service acts nearly identically as any other data service and may be configured as such.

These products proved to be really of high performance, reliable and wide reaching broadband internet for everyone. They are offered through a new generation of satellites that leverage the higher bandwidth available in Ka-band. It is the first satellite service in the region to offer internet connectivity through Ka-band multi-spot beams, with reusable frequencies that make more satellite capacity available to users at a lower cost.

These high throughput satellites are based on a multi-spot beam payload and are optimized for delivering satellite broadband services. The main advantages over conventional satellites include:

Smaller antenna size (74 cm) and low power radio transmitter driving down equipment costs.

Cost effective bandwidth supply due to efficient frequency re-use in spot beams.

Faster and more reliable internet access speeds.

In a frequency re-use scheme, the same frequency is re-used numerous times over different geographical areas, much like cellular phone technology (GSM cells)

Frequency re-use directly translates into increased throughput

There is more Ka-band available than previously used satellite bands Ku and C band. This means more users can benefit from satellite services from a single satellite.

Our Satellite Internet Service core mission is to provide a wide range of flexible internet service plans with speeds, prices and service levels tailored to meet individual user and market conditions. We as YahClick’s Service Partners, will offer user hardware and satellite internet service plans tailor-made for specific markets and user segments, from basic internet access for a home user to high speed internet service plans for the business user.

Users will be able to instantly connect to the internet via a small satellite dish and modem anywhere within the coverage area. They will be able to access a whole world of internet services without having to wait for terrestrial infrastructure to be developed. Even when it rains, the technology will adjust the power required to ensure the link is maintained and not lost or disrupted.

معلومات الاتصال

العراق - بغداد
البريد الالكتروني:


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